Monday, 13 October 2008


I work predominately in video and installation but also with text, photography and objects.

The focus of my investigations is time and temporality questioning ideas of narrative, feminism, memory and subjectivity.

I am continually drawn to the fragmented, formless, anti-narrative that encourages some level of spontaneous, unplanned narrative construction on the part of the viewer. I look at how far the structural elements can be taken out of narrative, how elements such as the nuance of expression, light and atmosphere can evoke a story. What I aim for, is that the viewer not be forced to pay attention by the hook of a plot but to be seduced, or not, by the work and slowly be drawn into a relationship between it and his or her own narrative templates. Helen Cixious puts it very clearly saying that :

“ Our dialogues are often mute. This does not prevent them form taking place”

1 comment:

Tom said...

I like your work.
I would like to invite you to a collective event I´m organizing on monday 10th at 7pm in Cargo-London.
Its called Art´n´deck.
It will be a collective exhibition of photographers from the Uni of Westminster and DJ´s.
Hope you can make it.
All the best,